Silver is handled by humans since 5.000 B.C. Today, silver coins are a very popoular money investment.
Kingdom of the Netherlands since 1815 Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Queen Juliana 1948-1980 Schoen No. 69 / KM-No. 185 |
14.90 €
Cook Islands since 1965 Endangered Wildlife: Puma Silver (925/1000) - Proof Schoen No. 184 / KM-No. 125 |
39.90 €
Isle of Man (Property of the Englisch Crown) Netherlands E.U. Presidency Silver (925/1000) - Proof Schoen No. 1427 / KM-No. 796 |
39.90 €
German Empire The little brother of the Mark! Historical silver coin (900/1000) for a best-price! Jäger No. 16 |
5.90 €
Paul von Hindenburg 1847-1934 real Silver (900/1.000) most pieces destroyed! Jaeger No. 360 |
24.90 €
Third Empire 1933-1945 The last 2-Reichsmark-silver coin of Germany! Hindenburg with swastika silver (625/1000) Jäger 366 |
13.90 €
German Empire 1871-1918 Silver (900/1000) The first "Mark" for the whole country! Jäger No. 9 |
13.50 €
Kingdom of Sweden since 1523 Gustaf VI. Adolf 1950-1973 Silver (400/1.000) Schoen No. 51 / KM-No. 823 |
3.90 €
German Empire 1877-1918 real Silver (900/1000)! Large Eagle (second edition) Jäger Number 17 |
34.90 €
Third Empire 1933-1945 Eagle of Empire and two swastikas Silver (900/1000) Jaeger No. 357 / KM-No. 83 |
18.90 €
1 - 10 of 57 results |