13 Countries
17,8 Million km²
393 Million Inhabitants
- no official state
- Area: 14.000.000 km²
- Population: nobody in the narrower sense, up to 1.000 scientist and tourists
1776-1816 Viceroyalty of the River Plate
1816-1828 United Provinces of the River Plate
since 1853 Repubic of Argentina
until 1825 Vizeroyalty of Peru
1825-2009 Republic of Bolivia
since 2009 Plurinational state of Bolivia
until 1822 Portuguese Colony
1822-1889 Empire
1889-1988 Republik of the United States of Brazil
since 1988 Federal Republik of Brazil
1542-1609 Part of Viceroyalty of Peru
1609-1810 Captaincy general of Chile
1810-1818 Wars of Independence
since 1818 Republic of Chile
until 1717 Vizeroyalty Peru
1717-1819 Vizeroyalty New Granada
1819-1830 Great Columbia
since 1830 Republic of Ecuador
until 1966 Britisch Guiana and West Indies
1966-1970 Independent State of Guiana
since 1970 Cooperative Republic of Guiana
Archipelago: Falklands
South Atlantic
Discovered 1600 by Sebald de Weert
Private ownership (Len Hill 1970-ca.1990)
until 1717 Vizeroyalty Peru
1717-1819 Vizeroyalty New Granada
1819-1830 Great Colombia
since 1830 Republic of Colombia
1516-1542 Spanish Colony
1542-1811 Viceroyalty of Peru
since 1811 Republic of Paraguay
Capital: Asuncion
until 1542 Empire of the Inca
1542-1821 Vizeroyalty Peru
since 1821 Republic of Peru
Capital: Lima
until 1683 Colony of the Netherlands
1683-1795 Societeit van Suriname
1795-1975 Dutch Guiana
since 1975 Republic of Suriname
1864-1953 United States of Venezuela
1953-1999 Republic of Venezuela
since 1999 Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela