54 Countries
30,2 Million km²
appr. 1 Billion Inhabitants
Biggest Cities: Lagos, Kinshasa, Cairo
1922-1952 Kingdom of Egypt
1953-1958 Republic of Egypt
1958-1971 United Arab Republic
since 1971 Arab Republic of Egypt
1519-1830 Ottoman Empire
1830-1962 French Colony
since 1962 Democratic People`s Republic of Algeria
1885-1951 Portuguese colony
1951-1975 Portuguese overseas province
1975-1995 Peoples Republic of Angola
since 1995 Republic of Angola
1500-1778 Portuguese colony
1778-1963 Spanish colony
1963-1968 Home rule
since 1968 Republic of Equatorial Guinea
1974-1987 Socialist Republic of Ethiopia
1987-1995 Democratic Peoples Republic of Ethiopia
1995- Democratic Federal Republic of Ethiopia
until 1967 British West Africa
1967-1970 Republic of Biafra
since 1970 Part of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
until 1885 different Kingdoms of the Batswana
1885-1966 British Protectorate of Betschuanaland
since 1966 Republic of Botswana
until 1966 Kingdom of Burundi (Ntare V. 1966)
since 1966 Republic of Burundi (Republika y`Ubunrundi)
1946-1967 French overseas territory
1967-1977 French territory of the Afar and Issa
since 1977 Republic of Djibouti
1893-1957 French West Africa
1957-1960 Self-Government
since 1960. Republic of Ivory Coast
1936-1947 Italian East Africa
1947-1997 Annexed from Ethiopia
since 1997 The State of Eritrea
1485-1839 Portuguese Occupation
1839-1958 French Equatorial Africa
1958-1960 Limited autonomy
since 1960 Republic of Gabon
1843-1888 British possession
1888-1965 British crown colony
1965-1970 Commonwealth of Nations
since 1970 Republic of The Gambia
until 1957 British Crown Colony Gold Coast
1957-1960 Commonwealth of Nations
since 1960 Republic of Ghana
1904-1958 French West Africa
1958-1979 Republic of Guinea
1979-1984 People`s Revolutionary Republic of Guinea
since 1984 Republic of Guinea
1879-1951 Portuguese Guinea
1951-1973 Overseas province
since 1973 Republic of Guinea-Bissau
1884-1916 German Dependency
1916-1960 French mandated territory
1960-1972 State Cameroon
since 1972 Federal Republic of Cameroon
1460-1951 Colony of Portugal
1951-1975 Overseas province of Portugal
since 1975 Independant State
until 1920 British protectorate Kenya
1920-1963 Crown Colony Kenya
since 1963 Republic of Kenya
since 1955 French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Terres australes et antarctiques françaises
1975-1978 State of the Comoros
1978-2001 Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros
since 2001 Union of the Comoros
1958-1960 Autonomous Republic
1960-1969 Congolese Republic
1969-1992 Peoples Republic of Congo
seit 1992 Republic of Congo
1908-1960 Belgisch Congo
1960-1971 Kongo (Leopoldville/Kinshasa)
1971-1997 Republic of Zaire
since 1997 Democratic Republic of Kongo
1820-1868 King Moshoeshoe I.
1868-1966 British Crown Colony Basutoland
since 1966 Kingdom Lesotho
1822-1847 American Colonization Society
since 1847 Republic of Liberia
also called Coast of Guinea or Pepper Coast
1977-1986 Libyan Arab Socialist People`s Republic
1986-2015 The Great Libyan Arab Socialist People`s Republic
since 2015 State of Libya
until 1958 French Colony
1958-1975 Madagascan Republic
1975-1992 Madagascan Democratic Republic
since 1992 Republic of Madagascar
until 1953 British protectorate Rhodesia and Nyasaland
1953-1965 Central African Federation
since 1966 Republic of Malawi
1893-1958 French West Africa
1958-1960 Federation of Mali (with Senegal)
since 1960 Republic of Mali
Kingdom of the Maghreb
1912-1927 Yussef
1927-1961 Mohammed V.
1961-1999 Hassan II.
seit 1999 Mohammed VI.
until 1946 French West Africa
1946-1957 French overseas departement
1957-1958 limited autonomy
since 1958 Islamic Republic of Mauritania
1598-1710 Dutch colony
1715-1810 French colony
1810-1968 English colony
1968-1992 Commonwealth of Nations
seit 1992 Republic of Mauritius
until 1951 Colony of Portugal
1951-1974 Overseas province
1975-1990 Peoples Republic of Mozambique
since 1990 Republic of Mozambique
until 1920 Territory of the protectorate German South-West-Africa
1920-1990 Administration of Southafrica
since 1990 Republic of Namibia
until 1958 British West Africa
1958-1963 Federation of Nigeria
since 1963 Federal Republic of Nigeria
until 1961 Kingdom of Rwanda
1959-1961 King Kigeri V. Ndahindurwa
since 1961 Republic of Rwanda
1884-1958 Colony of Spain
1958-1975 Overseas province of Spain
since 1976 Democratic Arabic Republic of Sahara
since 1976 Morocco-held
1659 - 1834 British East India Company
1834 - 2009 British Crown Colony
since 2009 Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha
1923-1953 British Protectorate Rhodesia
1953-1963 Central African Federation
since 1964 Republic of Zambia
1470-1951 Colonia de Sao Tomé e Principe
1951-1975 Overseas province
since 1975 Democratic Republic of Saint Thomas and Prince Island
1891-1958 French West Africa
1958-1960 Republic of Senegal
1960 Part of Mali Federation
since 1960 Republic of Senegal
1756 - 1794 French Colony
1794 - 1976 British Colony
since 1976 Republic of Seychelles (Repiblik Sesel)
1808-1961 British Crown Colony
1961-1971 Commonwealth of Nations
since 1971 Republic of Sierra Leone
1953-1963 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
1964-1970 Rhodesia
1970-1979 Republic of Rhodesia
since 1980 Republic of Zimbabwe
1950-1960 Somalia
1960-1969 Republic of Somalia
1969-1991 Democratic Republic of Somalia
since 1991 Republic of Somalia
1884-1960 British Somaliland
1960-1991 Part of the Republic of Somalia
since 1991 Republic of Somaliland
1852-1902 Republic of South Africa
1902-1961 British crown colony
since 1961 Republic of South Africa
Currency: 1 Rand = 100 Cent
1956-1969 Republic of Sudan
1969-1985 Democratic Republic of Sudan
1985-2010 Part of Republic of Sudan
since 2011 Republic of South Sudan
1954-1956 Sudanese Government
1956-1969 Republic of Sudan
1969-1985 Democratic Republic of Sudan
since 1985 Republic of Sudan
1894-1906 Part of Transvaal
1906-1967 British Protectorate
1967-1968 Inner autonomy
since 1968 Kingdom of Swaziland
until 1918 German East Africa
1918-1964 British Mandate "Tanganyika Territoty"
since 1964 United Republic of Tanzania
1884-1914 German protected area Togo
1920-1960 Mandate of the league of nations
since 1960 Republic Togo
1705 - 1957 Kingdom of Tunisia
since 1957 Republic of Tunisia
Currency: 1 Tunisian Dinar = 1000 Millimes
until 1920 British protectorate Uganda
1920-1962 British crown colony Uganda
since 1962 Republic of Uganda
until 1958 French West Africa
1958-1960 Self-administration
since 1960 Independant states and West-African currency union