1894-1906 Part of Transvaal
1906-1967 British Protectorate
1967-1968 Inner autonomy
since 1968 Kingdom of Swaziland
Kingdom of Swaziland since 1968 Umbuso weSwatini King Mswati III. seit 1986 Schoen No. 49 / KM-No. 52 |
3.90 €
Kingdom of Swaziland since 1968 Umbuso weSwatini Central Bank of Swaziland World Paper Money 25 c)
25.90 €
Kingdom of Swaziland since 1968 Umbuso weSwatini Central Bank of Swaziland World Paper Money 36 b)
6.90 €
Kingdom of Swaziland since 1968 Umbuso weSwatini Central Bank of Swaziland World Paper Money 41 a)
6.90 €